Conferences 2025

Commemorating the 152nd anniversary of the academician Jānis Endzelīns

Latvian Language Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia, invites you to the international scientific conference ‘From the first book to digital texts: the development of language in 500 years’ to commemorate the 152nd anniversary of the academician Jānis Endzelīns. The conference is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the first book published in Latvian, and will cover the development of language over the last five centuries, including early texts, written language, grammar, onomastics, dialectology, terminology, lexicology, lexicography, sociolinguistics, and digitisation of texts.

Conference programme


Date: February 20–21, 2025.

Venue: University of Latvia.

Conference languages: Latvian, Lithuanian, English, and German.

Duration of the presentation: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion.

Important dates:

January 15, 2025: Deadline for submission of an abstract (2500–3000 characters including spaces). 

January 31, 2025: The notification of acceptance/rejection.

Conference fee: 80 EUR (due on February 15, 2025). The fee covers a certificate of attendance, participant’s folder, book of conference abstracts, coffee breaks, author’s copy of the journal ‘Linguistica Lettica’. 

Participation fee account:

University of Latvia
Reg. No: 90000076669
The Ministry of Education and Science Register of Educational Establishments Reg. No.: 3391000218
VAT Reg. No: LV90000076669
Address: Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga
Post code: LV-1586

Bank account
Luminor Bank AS Latvijas filiāle
IBAN: LV10RIKO0000082414423
Please indicate: DHELI conference LaVI, conference fee, Name, Surname.

Submitted articles on the basis of presentations will be blind reviewed. After the acceptance, the article will be published in the journal ‘Linguistica Lettica’. 

More information about our conferences on our website:



Scientific Commitee

Dr. philol. Anta Trumpa – chair
Mg. philol. Everita Andronova
Dr. philol. Solvita Berra
Dr. philol. Ina Druviete
Dr. philol. Anna Frīdenberga
Dr. philol. Ilga Jansone
PhD Sintija Ķauķīte
Dr. philol. Sanda Rapa 
Dr. philol. Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe
Dr. philol. Anna Stafecka
Dr. philol. Agris Timuška
Dr. habil. philol. Pēteris Vanags
PhD Daira Vēvere

Organizing Commitee

Mg. paed. Gunita Arnava
Mg. hum. Ieva Auziņa
Mg. hum. Justīne Bondare
Mg. hum. Anete Daina
Bc. hum. Laura Paula Jansone
Mg. hum. Agita Kazakeviča
Mg. hum. Kristīne Mežapuķe
Mg. hum. Anete Ozola
Sanita Placēna
Bc. hum. Odrija Reisnere
Mg. hum. Marita Silkāne
Mg. philol. Elga Skrūzmane
